The Virginia Society of Landscape Designers
64th Annual Winter Forum
February 24, 2025

Hazel Hall at Laurel Ridge Community College
6480 College Street, Warrenton, VA 20187
Schedule of Events
5-8PM VSLD Social and Welcome
Denim and Pearls, 29 Main Street, Warrenton, VA 20186
Saturday: Winter Forum
8:00 AM Site opens for set up. The lobby is open to attendees.
9:15 – 10:00 AM Annual Meeting of the VSLD General Membership in the conference hall. Business meeting is open to members only.
10:15AM Conference Hall opens to all attendees.
10:30-11:30 AM First Presentation, Saving the Darkness, followed by audience questions as time permits.
12:00 NOON – 1:00 PM Lunch Break. A buffet luncheon will be set up in the lobby, attendees may bring their meals back into the hall to dine in comfort.
1:30-2:30 PM Second Presentation, Nature’s Best Hope, followed by audience questions as time permits.
3:00-4:00 PM break down meeting hall and lobby. The conference center must be vacated by 4:00 PM.
General Information
The site is easily accessed from Route 29 in Fauquier County east of Warrenton.
Please check in at the registration desk in the lobby of the conference center.
Sponsor information tables will be set up in the lobby of the conference center. Tables and chairs are provided by the site. Tables may be staffed by representatives of the sponsor.
Hot coffee and tea will be available in the lobby.
Deadline for reservations is January 30, 2024. Payments will not be accepted at the door.
Please include names and email addresses of all attendees in your reservation.
If you prefer to pay for your reservation by check, please make your check payable to VSLD and send to Susan Hayes, P.O. Box 249, Catlett, VA 20119
Members $75.00 – covers attendance of business meeting, event presentations, lunch.
Non-members $85.00 – covers attendance of event presentations, lunch.
Lunch and attendance of the event is covered in sponsorship donation.
Please direct questions to: Susan Hayes,,
text 540-878-1420.
Mailing address: SHGD, P.O. Box 249, Catlett, VA 20119.
If you would like your company logo displayed on our website and promotional materials, please email it to
Please let me know if you would like to have an information table in the lobby of the hall. If representatives of your company will be attending the event, please include their full names and email addresses in your reservation.
Lunch and attendance of the event is covered in sponsorship donation.
Deadline for reservations is January 30, 2024. Payments will not be accepted at the door.
If you prefer to pay for your reservation by check, please make your check payable to VSLD and send to Susan Hayes, P.O. Box 249, Catlett, VA 20119
The Virginia Society of Landscape Designers is a professional organization of, and the certifying body for, landscape designers in Virginia.
Our Winter Conference features our annual general membership meeting followed by presentations by green industry professionals, opportunities to network with colleagues, and learn about recent innovations in the world of design.
The scheduled presenters this year are authors: Dr. Doug Tallamy, professor of entomology at the University of Delaware and Dr. Kelsey Johnson professor of astronomy at the University of Virginia.
How will your business benefit by sponsorship?
Your business will benefit by introducing your products and services to the design professionals who make the purchasing decisions for their projects. This is an opportunity to connect with designers from across the state, increase your visibility and create lasting relationships that provide mutual enrichment. Sponsors will be listed in our promotional material for the event and on our website in connection with the conference.